Friday, March 12, 2010

New political laws in NSW Australia

Let me prophesies for a moment underground shanty's are going to be a thing of the future and will be dug into hills and mountains and anywhere that people can. There is a new law out that the government in NSW Australia, that allows the government to confiscate your land and home to sell it to developers to make money from. This will make the Wollongong city council debacle a pimple on the big fat arse of the premier of the state of NSW.
So I will suggest that you learn how to make an underground shelter of modest size. Select your land probably on government land and dig a small hole and make it look like a drain or something with  a locking grate where you have the keys you have to be selective and when you go into this place you have to make it look like no one goes there. If you wear a track make sure that you have the track double back on its self as the curious will look and decide not to go any further when they see the perceived end if the track. When I was at high school we had a spot on the side of a creek and the teachers couldn't get the because you had to jump a creek twice to see the track we used to have to jump and jump again.  They used to walk to the waters edge and go back because they thought the end of the track was there if they only knew...This would have been a good spot for a underground shanty. This is going to be an extension to stealth camping the things I read about on the internet.Other ways is for groups of people to buy a section of land and devolop your own shelter in a gated comunity. They will plant all sorts of edible food and make the place look overgrown.
When you start to dig a hole get dressed in workers clothes with construction helmets and vests and if the locals see you tell them you work for the council and you are doing and enviromental servey and are looking for the endangered flabigasted worm. Ask them if they want to help you and you might be surprised when you get help.....Have fun and enjoy yourselves Cheers

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